Useful Resources for the Winter Season

The season is here for the good ol’ winter storm. These storms bring the snow in the mountains and rain to the valley floor. For those of us who enjoy winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing these storms are welcomed.

With these winter storms also come traffic delays and storms that can make a trip not so enjoyable. As I wrote in an earlier blog it is possible to read weather signs to predict if the weather is changing. But for those of you who plan on going out and hitting the slopes with family and friends you might not be looking for changes in wind direction and clouds in the sky for changes in weather. There are actually places to go to check for the predicted weather and road conditions. A great place for road conditions in California is the Caltrans website. You can find that at . There is also a telephone number that you can call that will allow you check the road conditions. That number is 1-800-427-7623. Both of these options are great resources for finding current traffic conditions.

When dealing with the weather I tend to look at the weather channel for weather conditions in the area I am going to be traveling. I go to for my weather information. As there are many other places for finding information regarding weather and traffic I find these two locations to be the easiest and most up to date.

So be aware of the conditions, plan, and get out there to have fun. Here is to a great snow season!


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